Saturday, February 16, 2013

Riversweep may 11

Hi folks-

Last year HRWA did a site cleanup at one of our sites up river at Norrie Point and it was worthwhile and actually fun.  This year Dana and Dan of Riverkeeper are looking to do more including more NYC sites so I'm helping to spread the word.
This is a great chance to connect with neighborhood people, both other boaters and people outside your boating org, partnering in shoreline cleans and raising awareness about access points near where you live.
If you are interested please contact dana per the info below.  She can help you organize and event or find an existing project to join.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Dana Gulley <>
Date: February 4, 2013, 12:15:05 PM EST
To: Nancy Brous <>
Subject: RE: harbor cleanups

Thanks Nancy. We've been sending this out, please do share far and wide!


We Need You to Organize a Service Project for the Riverkeeper Sweep



The 2nd annual Riverkeeper Sweep—a day of service for the Hudson River—will take place Saturday, May 11, 2013.


In 2012, 450 volunteers removed more than seven tons of shoreline trash and planted hundreds of trees in 30 Hudson River communities.


In 2013, the Sweep will be bigger and better—it has to be, since Superstorm Sandy did so much to trash our shorelines.


YOU can help make this event a success.


Riverkeeper is seeking local volunteers to organize cleanups, tree-plantings or other service projects throughout the Hudson River Valley and New York City. Riverkeeper supports Sweep leaders with organizational and promotional help, as well as materials on the day of the Sweep.


For information, please contact Dana Gulley and Dan Shapley at or visit